

Leanna presents her mid-thesis seminar!

3/6/2025: Leanna will present the latest results of her work aimed at deciphering the molecular mechanisms leading to the assembly of the novel protein, SNED1, into the ECM at her mid-thesis seminar on 3/7. 

Congrats on all your progress, Leanna!

We are on the cover of the Journal of Cell Science!

2/1/2025: Dharma's research is featured on the cover of the 2nd issue of 2025 of the Journal of Cell Science!

Dharma's picture shows the novel protein SNED1 assembled as fibers (green) in the ECM produced by fibroblasts overexpressing SNED1–GFP. The actin cytoskeleton and nuclei of the cells are shown in magenta and grey.

Alexandra gives a talk at the 2025 Toulouse OncoWeek

1/30/2025: Alexandra will be presenting the latest work from the lab on the development of advanced proteomic methods to advance ECM biomarker discovery and matritherapies at the 2025 Toulouse OncoWeek.

Publication news!

1/22/2025: Our manuscript entitled "The novel ECM protein SNED1 mediates cell adhesion via the RGD-binding integrins α5β1 and αvβ3" is now published in the Journal of Cell Science. 

Congratulations to first author Dr. Dharma Pally and undergraduate researcher Nandini Kapoor!

Dharma is featured in the Journal of Cell Science!

1/22/2025: Don't miss Dharma's first-person interview in  the Journal of Cell Science discussing his latest paper on the role of SNED1 in cell adhesion and his interests in and outside the lab!


Dharma presents a poster at the meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology

12/16/2024: Dharma Pally, postdoc in our lab, will present a poster entitled "SNED1 Mediates Breast Cancer Cell and Neural Crest Cell Adhesion Through Integrin alpha5beta1" at the meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology. Read Dharma's abstract here.

Publication news!

12/13/2024: The manuscript describing MatriCom, a web application devised to mine scRNA sequencing datasets to infer ECM-ECM and cell-ECM communication systems in the context of the diverse cell populations that constitute any tissue or organ is available on bioRxiv.

Alexandra speaks at the UIC Physiology and Biophysics departmental seminar series

12/13/2024: Alexandra will present some of the latest technologies and tools the lab has developed to study the ECM. She will then present recent work on a novel ECM protein, SNED1, and its roles at the intersection of development and cancer metastasis.

Alexandra speaks at #TheMeshwork seminar series

12/12/2024: Alexandra will present the latest work from the lab on the Matrisome project at the December seminar series of #TheMeshwork, the network connecting young researchers interested in the ECM. Register here to attend: 

Alexandra receives the 2024 Departmental Faculty of the Year award!

11/27/2024: Alexandra received the 2024 Departmental Faculty of the Year award at the occasion of the UIC College of Medicine faculty recognition ceremony

Publication news!

11/21/2024: The manuscript describing the 2024 release of MatrixDB is now published in Nucleic Acids Research!  This new release of the ECM interaction database developed by our collaborator Dr. Sylvie Ricard-Blum features a new network explorer and an enrich content. The full article is available here.

Publication news!

11/13/2024: Aman's review entitled "Proteomic insights into the extracellular matrix: a focus on proteoforms and their implications in health and disease" is now out in Expert Review of Proteomics! 

This review discusses how bottom-up proteomics has been applied to identify, map, and quantify post-translational modifications and ECM proteoforms arising from alternative splicing or genetic variants. The review further illustrates how proteoform-level information can be leveraged to gain novel insights into ECM protein structure and ECM functions in health and disease. The full article is available here.

The Naba lab participated in the Physiology & Biophysics Department's 

annual pumpkin carving contest!

🎃 ☣️ 🎃 ☣️ 🎃 ☣️ 🎃 ☣️ 🎃

Leanna presented a poster at the annual GEMS research symposium!

10/11/2024: Leanna Leverton, 4th-year graduate student in our lab, presented a poster entitled "Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms of SNED1 Fibrillogenesis in the Extracellular Matrix" at the 2024 GEMS Research symposium. Congratulations, Leanna!

Alexandra gives a talk at the 2024 Matrix Biology Europe meeting

9/16/2024: Alexandra will be presenting the latest work from the lab on the "Roles of the Novel ECM Protein SNED1 at the Intersection of Cancer and Development" at the 2024 Matrix Biology Europe meeting.

Alexandra teaches at the summer school of the EU-funded CHANGE  doctoral program

9/16/2024: Alexandra is teaching a course on ECM proteomics at the upcoming summer school of the Cellular Homeostasis and Ageing in Connective Tissue Disorders (CHANGE) doctoral network supported by the EU's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

The Naba lab participated in the first 5k walk/run to support the University of Illinois Cancer Center!

Publication alert!

9/2/2024: Alexandra's review entitled "Mechanisms of assembly and remodeling of the extracellular matrix" is now out in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology! This review discusses novel insights into the compositional diversity of matrisome components and the mechanisms that lead to tissue-specific assemblies. It also proposes the novel concept of ‘matritherapies’ as modalities to normalize the ECM to achieve therapeutic benefits. The full article is available here.

Data release!

8/28/2024: Sample and data relationship format (SDRF) metadata files of ECM proteomics studies from the Naba lab are now available on GitHub and will soon be linked to their respective repositories in the Proteomics Identification Database (PRIDE). 

Preprint alert!

8/8/2024: Our manuscript entitled "The novel ECM protein SNED1 mediates cell adhesion via α5β1 integrin" is now posted to bioRxiv. 

In this manuscript, we report that the novel ECM protein SNED1 promotes the adhesion of breast cancer and neural crest cells via interaction with α5β1 integrin, the first SNED1 receptor identified to date!

Congratulations to first author Dr. Dharma Pally and undergraduate researcher Nandini Kapoor!

Dharma presents his work at the ASMB e-symposium 

7/5/2024: Dharma will present the science behind his image that won the 2024 ASMB image competition at an e-symposium held on July 11. See all the winning images on the ASMB website and register for the e-symposium at:

Congrats again Dharma!

Alexandra gives a talk at the University of Ghent, Belgium

6/21/2024: Alexandra will give a talk at the University of Ghent, Belgium, as part of the "Meet the PhD Jury" seminar series preceding the PhD defense of Robin Vroman from Dr. Fransiska Malfait's lab. Alexandra will  discuss recent work from our lab on the development of advanced proteomic methods to advance ECM biomarker discovery. 

The Naba lab receives a Chancellor’s Translational Research Initiative award!

5/20/2024: The lab has received a $25,000 award from the UIC Chancellor's Translational Research Initiative (CTRI) to launch its first translational research program titled "Targeting the interaction of the ECM protein SNED1 with its receptor to prevent triple-negative breast cancer metastasis". Read more about the CTRI funding mechanism here.

Leanna receives a UIC Graduate College Dean's Scholar Fellowship!

5/6/2024: Leanna Leverton, 3rd-year graduate student in our lab, receives a 2024-2025 Graduate College Dean's Scholar Fellowships for her project entitled "Investigating the molecular mechanisms of SNED1 fibrillogenesis in the ECM". Read the announcement here.

Congratulations Leanna on this prestigious award!

Dharma wins the 2024 ASMB Image Competition!

5/6/2024: Dharma's entry to the 2024 Image Competition of the American Society for Matrix Biology entitled "Cells at work: laying down a novel ECM protein, SNED1" was selected as one of the winning images. Congratulations, Dharma! 

See all the winning images on the ASMB website.

Aman is featured in the newsletter of the #Meshwork

5/5/2024: Aman Bains, postdoc in our lab, is featured in the May issue of The Meshwork, the online network for early career researchers investigating the ECM. You can read Aman's interview here.

Alexandra receives the 2024 UIC Honors College Capstone Supervisor of the Year award

5/1/2024: Alexandra Naba, Associate Professor in our Department, is the recipient of the 2024 UIC Honors College Capstone Supervisor of the Year award

The Capstone Supervisor of the Year award is given annually to a faculty member for their outstanding mentorship of Honors College students’ Senior Honors Capstone projects.

The Naba lab's research is showcased at the 2024 Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium

4/27/2024: The Naba lab was well represented at the 2024 Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium! Ikram presented a poster on the importance of metadata for proteomic dataset reuse and Nandini's abstract on MatrisomeDB was selected for an oral presentation! Congratulations, Ikram and Nandini!

Alexandra gives a talk at Brown University

4/25/2024: At the invitation of Dr. Jeff Morgan, Alexandra will give a talk at the Therapeutic Sciences Seminar Series at Brown University. Alexandra will discuss recent work from our lab on the development of advanced proteomic methods to advance ECM biomarker discovery. 

We are hiring!

4/21/2024: We are seeking a talented candidate to fill the role of technician interested to work in a laboratory at the cutting edge of biomedical research. The successful candidate will join a dynamic team and will participate actively in the day-to-day management of the lab and contribute to the performance of various collaborative projects.

Click here for the complete job description.

Interested candidate should apply by May 10 via the UIC job board: 

Graphic designed by pikisuperstar / Freepik

4/18/2024: Nandini Kapoor presented her Honors College Capstone Project on the role of SNED1 in cell adhesion at the UIC GPPA Medical Scholars Convocation. 

4/15/2024: Ikram Isa presents her research on the importance of metadata to enhance  proteomic dataset reuse at the 2024 UIC Undergraduate Research Forum

4/15/2024: Nandini Kapoor presents her work on MatrisomeDB at the 2024 UIC Undergraduate Research Forum

3/5/2024: The Naba lab welcomes PhD rotation student Jennifer Flores!

1/26/2024: Leanna Leverton, 3rd-year graduate student in the lab, presented her work on deciphering the mechanisms leading to the assembly of the novel protein, SNED1, in the ECM at the Department of Physiology and Biophysics seminar series. 

1/23/2024: Alexandra is giving a talk at the joint meeting of the NCI Human Tumor Atlas (HTAN) and the NIH Human Biomolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) and will present the latest work from the lab on the Matrisome Project.

Publication news!

1/5/2024: Dharma's review entitled "Extracellular matrix dynamics: a key regulator of cell migration across length-scales and systems" is now published in the Cell Dynamics issue of Current Opinion in Cell Biology

Using examples taken from different organisms and pathophysiological states, this review discusses how ECM deposition and organization and the resulting mechanical and chemical signals contribute to modulating cell migration. 

Congratulations, Dharma!

1/8/2024: The Naba lab welcomes PhD rotation student Daiqing Chen!

1/8/2024: The Naba lab welcomes undegraduate research assistant Asantewaa Jones!


Alexandra is giving a talk at the meeting of the NCI Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies program

12/6/2023: Alexandra is presenting the latest work from the lab on the development of enhanced mass-spectrometry-based approaches for in-depth profiling of the cancer ECM at the annual PI meeting of the NCI Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) program.

New matrisome gene sets released to MSigDB

12/5/2023: Announcing the deployment of 19 new human matrisome gene sets derived from our proteomic datasets on the cancer ECM and the first 15 murine matrisome gene sets in the Molecular Signature Database, MSigDB! All datasets are available on MSigDB and on the new dedicated page of the Matrisome portal

We are hiring!

11/28/2023: 2 postdoctoral positions are available in our lab. More info and application guidelines available here

Graphic designed by pikisuperstar / Freepik

The Naba lab welcomes Asia Paguntalan, visiting research specialist, who will contribute to the matrisome project and the human ECM atlas project

Alexandra delivers the opening keynote lecture at the symposium of the training academy of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)!

11/22/2023: Alexandra was invited to deliver the opening keynote lecture at the symposium of the training academy of the German Center for Lung Research (Deutsches Zentrum für Lungenforschung, DZL) held in Berlin!  

Our review on 10 years of ECM proteomics is featured in ASBMB Today!

11/17/2023: Our review  discussing the accomplishments, challenges, and future perspectives of the field of ECM proteomics and published in the Clinical Proteomics issue of Molecular and Cellular Proteomics is featured in ASBMB Today!

Read the feature piece at:

Alexandra joins the steering committee of the Oncology Affinity Group initiative of the Chicago Biomedical Consortium

11/8/2023: Alexandra joins the steering committee of the  Oncology Affinity Group initiative launched by the Chicago Biomedical Consortium! The overarching goal of the Oncology Affinity Group to accelerate scientific breakthroughs by leveraging team science in the oncology space across the 3 universities members of the CBC. Read more about the CBC Oncology Affinity Group: 

The Naba lab wins the 2023 Physiology pumpkin carving contest!

10/27/2023: Big congrats to our own Adriana Duraki for using her artistic and pumpkin-carving skills to bring the lab’s idea to life. And big shout-out to the UIC Physiology and Biophysics Outreach Committee for organizing the first pumpkin carving contest!

Leanna wins second place in the short talk category at the 2023 GEMS symposium!

10/13/2023: Leanna short talk entitled "Delineating the Timeline of SNED1 Fibrillogenesis and Assembly in the Extracellular Matrix " won second place at the 7th annual GEMS symposium. Congratulations, Leanna!

The Naba lab is attending the 2023 meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology

10/9/2023: With 3 selected short talks, 4 posters, and a session chaired by Alexandra, the Naba lab will have a great representation at the 2023 meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology organized jointly with the Histochemical Society and the American Society for Investigative Pathology!

Read more about the event at:

Alexandra invited as panelist to the 2nd International Top-Down Proteomics Symposium

10/3/2023: Alexandra will participate in a round table discussion on the Human Proteoform Project (HPfP) at the 2nd International Top-Down Proteomics Symposium organized at Northwestern University by the Consortium for Top-Down Proteomics

Read more about the event at:

Dharma is short-listed to compete for the 2023 Iozzo Post-doctoral Trainee Award

9/11/2023: Dharma is short-listed to compete for the 2023 Iozzo post-doctoral trainee award at the upcoming meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology. Congratulations, Dharma!

Leanna is selected to give a short talk at the ASMB meeting

9/11/2023: Leanna's abstract entitled "Delineating the Timeline of SNED1 Fibrillogenesis and Assembly in the Extracellular Matrix " is selected for a short talk presentation at the upcoming meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB).

Congratulations, Leanna!

Nandini receives an Honors College travel grant to attend the ASMB meeting

9/11/2023: Nandini Kapoor, senior in our lab, has received a travel grant from the Honors College to attend the meeting of the American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB) where she was selected to give a short oral presentation on MatrisomeDB. Congratulations, Nandini!

Alexandra is speaking at the Biocity Turku Symposium 

8/24/2023: Alexandra is invited to speak at the annual BioCity Turku symposium on the theme of "Sculpting Tissues - Cells, Matrix and Forces". Alexandra's talk, entitled "The extracellular matrix: from proteomic explorations to matritherapies", will focus on the latest work from the lab on the Matrisome Project

Big news! 

8/16/2023: It is official! Alexandra is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics! 

Publications news! 

8/10/2023: Our latest paper entitled "Matrisome AnalyzeR: A suite of tools to annotate and quantify ECM molecules in big datasets across organisms" is now published in the Journal of Cell Science! Congratulations to Naba lab member James Considine and collaborators Petar Petrov and Valerio Izzi! You can read the full article at:

Funding news!

8/9/2023: Our research proposal to study the "Mechanisms guiding the fibrillar assembly of SNED1 in the extracellular matrix" is funded!

You can read more about our project here: 

Multiple positions open in our lab, come join us!

7/26/2023: Hourly research specialist, laboratory technician, and project manager positions are available in our lab! These positions are ideal for new graduate or more experienced scientists alike, interested in contributing to cutting-edge research. Visit our recruitment page to learn how to apply!

Publications news! 

7/19/2023: Alexandra contributed to a Perspective published in Nature Cell Biology discussing the goals of the NIH-funded Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) which include the generation of spatial maps of functional tissue units across organs from diverse populations and the creation of tools and infrastructure to advance biomedical research. You can read the full article at: 

Congratulations Leanna! 

7/10/2023: Leanna successfully passed her qualifying exam and is officially a PhD candidate! Leanna will be investigating the molecular mechanisms leading to SNED1 fibrillogenesis in the extracellular matrix. Congratulations, Leanna!

Alexandra is speaking at the symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of the discovery of fibronectin

6/7/2023: Alexandra is invited to speak at the symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of the discovery of fibronectin by Dr. Richard O. Hynes, Alexandra's postdoctoral mentor. Alexandra will present the latest work from the lab on the Matrisome Project and the lab's recent discoveries on the novel ECM protein, SNED1. 

Welcome Adriana!

5/30/2023: We are excited to welcome Adriana Duraki to the lab! 

Adriana received her Bachelor of Science with a major in  from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 's in Molecular and Cellular Biology. At UIC, she is enrolled in our Graduate Education in bioMedical Sciences program. Adriana is passionate about cancer research and her PhD project will focus on studying the roles of the ECM on tumors’ response to different therapeutic modalities.

Welcome Adriana!

Nandini receives a LASURI award!

5/22/2023: Nandini Kapoor, rising senior in our lab, has received a Liberal Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Initiative (LASURI) award for the 2023-2024 academic year! Nandini's research will focus on studying the role of the new ECM protein, SNED1, in cell adhesion. 

Congratulations, Nandini!

Learn more about the LASURI program here.

Clarissa delivers the student address at the UIC Honors College convocation!

5/3/2023: Clarissa Gomez had the honor to deliver the student address  at the UIC Honors College convocation. You can watch here address on YouTube (jump to 1h51m31s)! 

Congratulations Clarissa!

4/28/2023: Clarissa Gomez did a fantastic job presenting her poster on MatrisomeDB at the UIC College of Medicine's senior thesis forum!

Publication news

4/10/2023: Alexandra contributed to a study led by Dr. Romain Desert and Dr. Natalia Nieto that discovered ECM signatures characteristic of distinct hepatocellular carcinoma subtypes and that correlate with patients' outcome.  You can read the full story published in Hepatology at:

The Naba lab is recruiting! 

4/4/2023: The Naba lab has multiple funded positions open at all levels. Visit this page for job descriptions and how to apply. 

Nandini receives an Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant!

3/14/2023: Nandini Kapoor, undergraduate research assistant in our lab received a $1,000 grant from the Honors College to study the molecular bases of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix. Congratulations, Nandini!

Publication news

3/13/2023: Alexandra was invited to contribute a review to the 2023 issue of Molecular and Cellular Proteomics on Clinical Proteomics discussing the accomplishments, challenges, and future perspectives of the field of ECM proteomics. You can read the full text at:

Fred Lee, MD/PhD student in the lab, successfully defended his PhD!

3/10/2023: MD/PhD student, Fred Lee, successfully defended his thesis! During his PhD training, Fred contributed to develop novel proteomic methods to uncover new facets of the ECM and of our favorite ECM protein, SNED1. Congratulations, Fred!

Ikram receives a Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award!

3/6/2023: Ikram Isa, biomedical engineering major (class of '24), was awarded a Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award from the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and Academic Programs to pursue her research on the ECM in the lab. Congratulations, Ikram!

More info on the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award can be found here.

Alexandra is presenting  MatrisomeDB 2.0 at the 2023 US HUPO meeting

3/1/2023: Alexandra is presenting a poster describing the latest release of MatrisomeDB at the annual meeting of the US chapter of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO). 

Alexandra is speaking at the Gordon Conference on "Fibronectin, Integrins, and Related Molecules"

2/5/2023: At the invitation of Dr. Ambra Pozzi and Dr. Jim Norman, Alexandra will be presenting the latest work from the lab on the novel ECM protein SNED1 and its roles in cancer and development at the Gordon Research Conference on "Fibronectin, Integrins, and Related Molecules". 

Alexandra is speaking at the Chicago Center on Musculoskeletal Pain at Rush University

1/30/2023: At the invitation of Dr. Anne Marie Malfait, Alexandra will be presenting the latest work from the lab on ECM proteomics and MatrisomeDB at the seminar series of the newly established Chicago Center on Musculoskeletal Pain. 

Publication news!

01/03/2023: The Special Issue of Matrix Biology guest-edited by Alexandra and Dr. Suneel Apte is out! 2022 marks a decade since the conceptualization and delineation of the modern “matrisome” by Dr. Naba, a term which is now broadly accepted within the ECM community, and has better defined the field for non-ECM biologists. To jump-start the next decade of matrisome research, we assembled reviews and primary research papers spanning the full range of -omic applications to provide a forward-looking view of matrisome research. Read our editorial at and the full issue at


Publication news!

11/20/2022: Our manuscript describing the new release of MatrisomeDB is now published in the 2023 Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research and available online at: Congratulations to all co-authors from the Naba lab: Clarissa Gomez, Nandini Kapoor, James Considine, and our collaborators in the Gao lab: Tom Gao, Xinhao Shao and Chris Grams!

Dharma received a travel grant from Disease Models and Mechanisms

10/24/2022: Dharma received a travel grant from the journal Disease Models and Mechanisms to present his work at the 2022 Cell Bio meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). 

Congratulations Dharma! 

Publication news!

9/20/2022: Congratulations to our collaborator Dr. Javier Bravo-Cordero and his team for the publication of their paper entitled "A proliferative to invasive switch is mediated by srGAP1 downregulation through the activation of TGF-β2 signaling" in Cell Reports.  We contributed to this study by analyzing the secretome of dormant (srGAP1 low) and proliferative (srGAP1 high) breast cancer cells and showed that srGAP1 low cells secreted higher amount of TGF-β2. 

You can read the full article at 

Alexandra is invited to speak at the National Cancer Institute's workshop on "The Landscape of Post-Translational Modifications in Tumor Biology Meeting"

9/19/2022: Alexandra will be presenting the latest work from the lab on the development of advanced proteomic methods for in-depth profiling of the tumor ECM  at the upcoming "The Landscape of Post-Translational Modifications in Tumor Biology Meeting" sponsored by the Division of Cancer Biology of the National Cancer Institute. More about the workshop here

Publication news!

9/15/2022: Hot off the press! Our study in collaboration with Dr. John Varga (University of Michigan) and Dr. Maria Teves (Virginia Commonwealth University) demonstrating, for the first time, a role for the cilia protein SPAG17 in scleroderma was published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Congratulations to first author Paulene Sapao, to co-author Fred Lee, MD/PhD student in the Naba lab, and the entire team! And thank you to the Chicago Biomedical Consortium, for having supported this project in its the early stage.

You can read the full article at

Funding news!

9/13/2022: Our lab has received a 3-year R21 grant from the National Cancer Institute's Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) program . 

Our proposal in collaboration with Dr. Tom Gao's lab (UIC College of Pharmacy) aims to develop enhanced mass-spectrometry-based approaches for in-depth profiling of the cancer extracellular matrix. Learn more about our project here.

Postdoctoral and predoctoral positions to work on this exciting project will open soon. Contact Dr. Naba if you are interested!

Congratulations, Clarissa!

9/1/2022: Clarissa Gomez, senior in the lab, was awarded a Cancer Federation, Inc scholarship from the University of Illinois Cancer Center for her excellence in cancer research. Congratulations, Clarissa!

We are hiring at all levels!

8/3/2022: The Naba lab has multiple funded positions open at all levels. Visit this page for job descriptions and how to apply. 

The source codes for #MatrisomeAnnotator and #MatrisomeAnalyzer are now on GitHub!

8/3/2022: The source codes for #MatrisomeAnnotator and #MatrisomeAnalyzer are now available on GitHub:

Leanna receives a T32 pre-doctoral fellowship!

7/26/2022: Leanna Leverton, 1st-year graduate student in the lab received a T32 pre-doctoral fellowship from the Vascular Biology, Signaling and Therapeutics (VBST) training program. Congratulations, Leanna!

Clarissa wins Outstanding Oral Presentation at the Illinois Summer Research Symposium!

7/23/2022: Clarissa Gomez, undergraduate research assistant in the lab won an award for outstanding oral presentation with honorable mention at the 2022 Illinois Summer Research Symposium. Clarissa's research, supported by the UIC Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) proposed to facilitate cancer biomarker discovery by leveraging the content of MatrisomeDB.  

Funding news!

6/21/2022: Our lab has received a 4-year U01 grant from the NIH to join the HubMAP consortium. Our proposal developed in collaboration with Dr. Tom Gao's lab (UIC College of Pharmacy) entitled "Thinking outside the cell" will leverage HuBMAP data to build the human ECM atlas. You can learn more about our project here.

Postdoctoral and predoctoral positions to work on this exciting project will open soon. Contact Dr. Naba if you are interested!

Lab news!

6/20/2022: Alexandra was named mentor of the Vascular Biology, Signaling and Therapeutics (VBST) training program led by Dr. Kitajewski and Dr. Wary and supported by a T32 award from the National, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (HL144459) .  

Alumni news!

6/17/2022: Martin Davis, past lab manager of our lab, will join the University of Illinois College of Medicine's entering class of 2022 this fall and was awarded a $60,000 Research Scholarship for having demonstrated excellence in research. Congratulations, Martin! 

Publication news!

6/14/2022: Alexandra collaborated with the laboratory of Dr. Farach-Carson at UT Houston, School of Dentistry, to explore the  FANTOM5 SSTAR dataset and define the pattern of expression of ECM genes across physiological systems. The resulting publication entitled "Systematic Analysis of Actively Transcribed Core Matrisome Genes Across Tissues and Cell Phenotypes" is now published in Matrix Biology. Congratulations to first authors Tristen Tellman and Merve Dede, and to the entire team! You can read the full article at

Publication news!

6/1/2022: Alexandra contributed to  a perspective piece entitled "New views of old proteins: clarifying the enigmatic proteome" published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 

In this perspective, we discuss how functional proteomic tools, methods, and datasets can be integrated to accelerate the development of comprehensive spatio-molecular tissue maps to generate new biological insights. You can read the review at

Alexandra is invited to speak at the 2022 Midwest tumor microenvironment meeting

5/23/2022: Alexandra will present the latest work from the lab focused on the "computational and experimental profiling of the mutational landscape of the cancer matrisome" at the 2022 Midwest Tumor Microenvironment Meeting. More information on the meeting can be found here:

Congratulations Anna!

5/6/2022: Anna Barqué received her PhD from the Graduate Education in Biomedical Science program during the commencement ceremony of the UIC College of Medicine. Congratulations Anna! Scroll to 1:51:45 to see Anna receive her hood!

Congratulations Ali!

5/4/2022: Ali Thahab, undergraduate research assistant in the lab, graduated summa cum laude from the UIC Honors College. Congratulations Ali! Scroll to 1:39:19 to see Ali receive his gold stole!

Congratulations Fred and Anna!

The 32nd Physiology Awards Night that took place on March 31st, 2022 brought a lot of excitement for our lab! Fred Lee (G3, MSTP) received the 2021 John and Kathy Solaro Endowed Graduate Fellowship and Anna Barqué (G5, GEMS), the Mark R Lambrecht Award for Scholarship and Commitment. Congratulations, Fred and Anna!

Alexandra received a HOPE award!

Alexandra was awarded a 2021 HOPE (Honoring Our Professors' Excellence) Award.

Started in 2015, the HOPE awards are presented by Campus Housing to recognize faculty who have made a lasting impact on the lives of Housing residents.

Clarissa will present her work at the 2022 UIC Undergraduate Research Forum

Clarissa will present her work in collaboration with Pam Kreeger's lab (U. Wisconsin, Madison) on the role of the ECM during high-grade serous ovarian cancer progression at the 2022 UIC Undergraduate Research Forum. Clarissa's work in the lab was supported by a UIC Honors College Research Grant, a LASURI grant, and funding from the UIC Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) and Graduate Pathways to Success (GPS) program. 

Congratulations Dr. Barqué!

Our lab is excited to announce that Anna Barqué successfully defended her Ph.D thesis entitled "The Extracellular Matrix Protein SNED1 Regulates Neural Crest Cell Phenotype and Carniofacial Development".  Congratulations, Dr. Barqué!

Publication news!

In September 2021, the American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB) organized a hybrid scientific meeting, integrating in-person and virtual formats, to discuss the latest developments in ECM research. In this meeting report written by the Outreach committee of the ASMB chaired by Dr. Naba, we highlight exciting scientific advances that emerged from the meeting. In addition, we discuss how the ASMB incorporated mentoring, career development, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Finally, we reflect on the hybrid scientific conference format and how it will help the ASMB accomplish its mission moving forward. 

Read the full report here:


Publication news!

Our paper in collaboration with Dr. Bravo-Cordero (Mount Sinai Medical School) demonstrating that "A tumor-derived type III collagen-rich ECM niche regulates tumor cell dormancy" is now published in Nature Cancer. 

Read it here: 

Publication news!

Our paper in collaboration with Dr. Pam Kreeger and Dr. Kristyn Masters (Department of Biomedical Engineering, U. Wisconsin-Madison) and funded by the National Cancer Institute on the "Multi-modal Profiling of the Extracellular Matrix of Human Fallopian Tubes and Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinomas" is now published in the Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 

Read it here:

Anna will present her work at Cell Bio 2021

Do not miss Anna's virtual poster presentation available on-demand throughout the meeting!

Click here for more information: and read Anna's abstract here:!/10458/presentation/3418 

Alexandra will present the latest work of the lab on the development of novel matrisomics methods at the upcoming "Joint Nordic Matrix Biology Meeting" organized by the Finnish Society for Matrix Biology 

Alexandra will present the latest work of the lab on the ECM protein SNED1 at the intersection of cancer and development at the  "Matrix Festival" organized by the Matrix Biology Society of Australia and New Zealand

Click here for more information:

Alexandra will present at the 2021 meeting of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology

Click here for more information:

Dr. Dharma Pally joins the Naba lab!

We are excited to welcome Dr. Dharma Pally to the Naba lab! Dharma received his PhD from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore where he trained in Dr. Bhat's lab. For his postdoctoral training in the lab, Dharma will lead a project aimed at understanding the roles of our favorite ECM protein, SNED1, in breast cancer metastasis. Welcome Dharma!

Fred receives a travel award from the American Society for Matrix Biology to present his work at the 2021 ASMB meeting!

Clarissa receives a travel award from the Honors College to attend #ASMB2021!

Fred and Anna are selected to give short talks at #ASMB2021

Congratulations to Anna Barqué (G5, GEMS) and Fred Lee (G3, MSTP) for being selected to give short talks at the upcoming meeting of he American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB)! See the program of the meeting here.

Alexandra is participating in a panel discussion organized by #THEMeshwork

On August 26, Alexandra will participate in a panel discussion on reviewing scientific paper organized by #THEMeshwork. More info and link to sign up for the event: 

The Nab lab takes over Chicago!

Our annual tradition took us this year to downtown Chicago where we enjoyed a round of mini-golf, tacos, and a stroll along the River walk. This year was bitter-sweet as we bid farewell to our fantastic lab manager, Martin Davis, who is heading to medical school! It was also the occasion to celebrate our successes, end the summer term, and enjoy a day off before the new term starts.

The Naba lab is ready for the 2021-2022 academic year!

2021-2022 PhD rotation projects available in the Naba Lab!

Attention incoming GEMS students! 

The Naba lab has multiple rotation projects in the areas of extracellular matrix biology, cancer biology, and developmental biology available for the 2021-2022 academic year. Project descriptions can be found here.

Students accepted to the GEMS program and interested in rotating in the Naba lab should contact Dr. Naba and provide a CV and brief summary of research interest.

Alexandra is speaking at the 2021 Biologic Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine Symposium

At the invitation of Dr. Steve Badylak, Alexandra will give a talk entitled "10 years of matrisome research: How big data can help advance our understanding of the roles of the ECM in health and disease" at the 11th Biologic Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine Symposium. More information on this event can be found here.

Clarissa receives a Research Initiative Award from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UIC!

Congratulations to Clarissa Gomez, currently a sophomore in our lab, for receiving a Liberal Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Initiative (LASURI) award for the 2021-2022 academic year!

Clarissa's research focuses on studying the role of the extracellular matrix in high-grade serous ovarian cancer using proteomics. More information about the LASURI program can be found here.

Alexandra receives the 2020 Philip L. Hawley distinguished faculty award!

Alexandra receives the 2020 Philip L. Hawley distinguished faculty award.

This award was established in 1993 by students of the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at UIC to recognize the faculty members who best represent the values held dear by Dr. Philip L. Hawley: supportiveness, enthusiasm, and sincerity. Read more about the award and the list of past recipients here.

Anna receives a travel award from the Histochemical Society to attend EB2021!

Anna has received a Trainee Award from the Histochemical Society to attend the 2021 Experimental Biology meeting where she will present a poster on her latest work on the role of the ECM protein SNED1 in regulating neural-crest-cell migration.

Congratulations, Anna!

In this study in collaboration with Dr. Djalialian's lab (Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at UIC), we describe an optimized method for fabricating an in-situ thermoresponsive hydrogel from decellularized porcine cornea extracellular matrix and provide a detailed characterization of its structure, thermoresponsive rheological behavior , as well as exploring its protein composition using proteomics. Read the full story here.

Alexandra is speaking at the Relay for Life organized by the UIC Colleges Against Cancer to benefit the American Cancer Societ

Alexandra is speak at the Relay for Life organized by the UIC Colleges Against Cancer to benefit the American Cancer Society!

Read about the event in the University of Illinois Cancer Center's newsletter here.

Find out more about the event, register, and donate here.

Clarissa organizes the 2021 Honors College Ball!

Clarissa Gomez, a current sophomore in the lab and Honors College student, is the coordinator for the 2021 Honors College Ball!

The first-ever virtual ball, to be held on April the 10th, will feature games, music, student performances, and the awarding of the first-ever $500 Honors College Advisory Board Scholarship. It also includes faculty networking, with a special appearance from Alexandra!

Congratulations, Clarissa for organizing such a fun and important event for our UIC community!

Alexandra and Fred are presenting at the meeting celebrating the 40th anniversary of the British Society for Matrix Biology!

The Nab lab will be well represented at the spring 2021 meeting of the British Society for Matrix Biology chaired by Stephanie Dakin (Oxford University) on the theme of "Inflammation, Fibrosis, Resolution and the Matrix".

Alexandra will deliver a keynote presentation entitled "10 years of matrisome research: How big data can help advance our understanding of the roles of the ECM in health and disease" and Fred will present a poster describing the development of novel sample preparation protocols to increase identification and coverage of ECM proteins using mass spectrometry.

In this collaborative study led by Tom Van Agtmael, Karen Horsbrugh, and Zameel Cader, we report the development of an approach to extract the cerebrovascular ECM from post-mortem brain tissues and analyze its composition using proteomics. This atlasing effort provides a powerful resource to study the functions of the brain ECM and highlight a specific role for ECM proteins in cerebrovascular diseases. Read the full article published in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism,  here.  

In this study conducted in collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Sylvie Ricard-Blum (Université Lyon I, France), we employed in-silico and in-vitro approaches to characterize the physico-chemical properties of the novel ECM protein, SNED1, and infer its putative functions.  The results of our study are now published in Biochemical Journal and can be found here.

In a new study conducted in collaboration with Dr. Valerio Izzi from the University of Oulu, Finland, we interrogated data from the Pan-Cancer cohort spanning 32 tumor types to evaluate the extent and frequency of mutations affecting post-translational modification sites in matrisome genes and assessed their possible roles on protein functions. The results of our study are now published in Cancers in open access and can be found here.

2016 - 2020 Archives

Publication news! — Dec 17, 2020 5:43:28 PM

Ali and Clarissa receive Undergraduate Research Grants from the Honors College! — Dec 2, 2020 10:27:38 PM

Alexandra is speaking at the Johns Hopkins University's Women's Malignancies Program Seminar Series — Nov 16, 2020 7:23:28 PM

Alexandra is presenting at the 43rd meeting of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology — Oct 20, 2020 7:45:17 PM

New publication: Knockout of the gene encoding the ECM protein SNED1 results in early neonatal lethality and craniofacial malformations — Oct 4, 2020 7:49:12 PM

Anna is awarded a Cornerstone Grant from the Histochemical Society! — Sep 18, 2020 7:18:48 PM

The Naba lab receives a pilot project research grant from the University of Illinois Cancer Center — Sep 2, 2020 10:42:18 PM

New publication: Pan-Cancer Analysis of the Genomic Alterations and Mutations of the Matrisome — Jul 24, 2020 5:32:24 PM

Anna is presenting her work at the 2020 virtual meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology — Jul 16, 2020 7:39:13 PM

New publication: Spatial-omics: Novel Approaches to Probe Cell Heterogeneity and Extracellular Matrix Biology — May 19, 2020 1:29:20 PM

Anna receives an Award for Graduate Research! — Apr 21, 2020 2:49:39 PM

New publication: The liver matrisome: looking beyond collagens — Apr 19, 2020 9:07:54 PM

Clarissa is selected to participate in the 2020 Summer Research Opportunities Program! — Apr 13, 2020 7:39:29 PM

New publication: Proteomic profiling of the ECM of xenograft breast cancer metastases in different organs reveals distinct metastatic niches — Feb 4, 2020 8:14:37 PM

Anna receives a Provost’s Graduate Research Award! — Dec 9, 2019 6:04:52 AM

Alexandra is presenting at the 2019 ASCB/EMBO meeting — Dec 9, 2019 5:58:22 AM

Alexandra will deliver the keynote lecture at the 2019 meeting of the Irish Society for Matrix Biology — Nov 13, 2019 10:28:55 PM

New publication: In-silico definition of the Drosophila melanogaster matrisome — Nov 11, 2019 1:10:11 AM

Alexandra is named full member of the UI Cancer Center and co-leader of the Tumor Micorenvironment working group! — Nov 6, 2019 7:13:06 PM

Isra receives an Undergraduate Research Grant from the Honors College — Nov 1, 2019 4:29:06 PM

New Publication: "MatrisomeDB: The ECM-protein knowledge database" published in Nucleic Acids Research — Oct 7, 2019 1:21:27 AM

Alexandra is invited to speak at the University of Copenhagen — Sep 30, 2019 4:59:10 PM

Ali receives a Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award! — Sep 3, 2019 7:47:37 PM

New Publication: Exploring the extracellular matrix in health and disease using proteomics — Aug 30, 2019 2:17:47 AM

New Publication: In-silico definition of the Drosophila melanogaster matrisome — Aug 5, 2019 12:46:38 PM

The Naba Lab is part of a collaborative effort awarded a 5-year NIH grant to study scleroderma — Jun 24, 2019 11:50:49 PM

Isra receives a LASURI award! — Apr 16, 2019 7:45:41 PM

New publication: In-silico characterization of the Caenorhabditis elegans matrisome and proposal of a novel collagen classification. — Mar 27, 2019 9:18:00 PM

Alexandra is speaking this week at the 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Cartilage — Mar 18, 2019 12:44:31 AM

Alexandra is appointed to the council of the ISMB for the Americas — Mar 14, 2019 7:32:50 PM

Alexandra is speaking today at the Department of Bioengineering seminar series — Mar 1, 2019 12:55:09 PM

Congratulations Kyleen! — Jan 6, 2019 9:55:29 PM

Alexandra delivers the opening keynote lecture of the Basic Science Symposium at the 2018 Liver Meeting of the AASLD — Jan 6, 2019 9:43:07 PM

New Publication: MatrixDB: integration of new data with a focus on glycosaminoglycan interactions. — Nov 4, 2018 11:29:32 PM

Kyleen, Isra and Morgan receive Honors College Undergraduate Research Grants! — Oct 30, 2018 10:15:08 AM

Alexandra is speaking this week at Rush University. — Oct 26, 2018 2:36:11 PM

Preprint in bioRxiv: Knockout of the gene encoding the ECM protein Sned1 results in craniofacial malformations and early neonatal lethality. — Oct 13, 2018 11:38:38 AM

The Naba Lab receives a Catalyst Award from the Chicago Biomedical Consortium to study scleroderma — Sep 25, 2018 7:14:48 PM

The Naba Lab is part of a collaborative effort awarded a 5-year NIH grant to study the role of the ECM in ovarian cancer — Sep 24, 2018 2:13:32 PM

Alexandra is lecturing at the 2018 FEBS Advanced Course on the Extracellular Matrix in Patras, Greece. — Sep 17, 2018 2:17:50 AM

Alexandra is featured in the September issue of Matrix Biology — Sep 11, 2018 3:37:44 AM

Alexandra is receiving the Rupert Timpl award at the 2018 Matrix Biology Europe meeting — Jul 20, 2018 2:52:06 PM

New Publication: The cancer matrisome: from comprehensive characterization to biomarker discovery — Jul 14, 2018 12:24:29 PM

Alexandra receives the 2018 Rising Star award from the Department of Physiology and Biophysics! — May 10, 2018 11:49:52 PM

Morgan and Kyleen receive LASURI awards! — May 2, 2018 1:33:10 AM

Alexandra is giving a talk at the 2018 meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research — Apr 16, 2018 12:04:46 PM

New Publication: Extracellular matrix in lung development, homeostasis and disease. — Mar 24, 2018 11:00:47 PM

Alexandra is lecturing at the 8th Hong Kong University - Pasteur Cell Biology course — Mar 13, 2018 9:33:03 PM

Alexandra is speaking this week at the Lerner Research Institute at Cleveland Clinic. — Feb 28, 2018 1:49:06 AM

Alexandra receives the 2018 ISMB Rupert Timpl Award — Feb 18, 2018 5:06:58 PM

Alexandra receives the 2018 ASMB Junior Investigator Award — Jan 30, 2018 8:03:32 PM

Alexandra is speaking this week at UC Denver. — Jan 9, 2018 10:30:49 PM

Alexandra is speaking at this month's Chicago Mass Spec Discussion Group meeting — Dec 11, 2017 2:03:35 PM

Lexie receives a Chancellor's Graduate Research Award! — Dec 5, 2017 2:21:45 PM

Alexandra is speaking at this week's Postgraduate in Life Science seminar series at the CICESE. — Nov 29, 2017 12:54:27 PM

Alexandra is speaking at this week's Endocrinology Division seminar series — Nov 8, 2017 7:48:35 PM

Kyleen and Morgan receive Honors College Undergraduate Research Grants! — Oct 26, 2017 9:10:26 PM

Alexandra is speaking at the annual symposium of the Wellcome Trust Center for Cell-Matrix Research — Oct 9, 2017 9:06:47 AM

Alexandra is speaking at this week's Cardiovascular Division seminar series at King's College London — Oct 5, 2017 6:55:46 PM

Lexie presents her first poster as graduate student at the GEMS Research Symposium! — Oct 5, 2017 6:48:16 PM

Yash receives a Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award! — Oct 5, 2017 6:40:46 PM

Publication: The in-silico zebrafish matrisome: A new tool to study extracellular matrix gene and protein functions. — Aug 1, 2017 11:10:52 AM

New bioinformartic tools for matrisome analysis! — Jul 27, 2017 9:04:35 PM

Alexandra is speaking at the upcoming Gordon Research Conference on Collagens. — Jul 13, 2017 3:20:51 AM

Publication: Characterization of the ECM of normal and diseased tissues using proteomics. — Jul 10, 2017 6:41:22 PM

Publication: Quantitative proteomics identify Tenascin-C as a promoter of lung cancer progression & contributor to a signature prognostic of patient survival. — Jun 27, 2017 12:06:37 AM

Alexandra is named a fellow of UIC Honors College. — May 23, 2017 3:44:25 PM

Publication: Proteomic characterization of human multiple myeloma bone marrow extracellular matrix. — Apr 20, 2017 4:28:06 PM

Read Alexandra's interview in the spring 2017 issue of the Matrix Newlsetter — Apr 3, 2017 4:46:53 PM

Publication: Comprehensive proteomic characterization of stem-cell-derived extracellular matrices — Mar 14, 2017 11:26:26 AM

Alexandra's research profile on YouTube! — Feb 13, 2017 3:03:11 PM

Alexandra is elected to the council of the American Society for Matrix Biology — Jan 17, 2017 1:00:14 PM

Publication: Quantitative proteomic profiling of the ECM of pancreatic islets during the angiogenic switch and insulinoma progression — Jan 10, 2017 12:18:24 PM

Alexandra joins the editorial board of the Journal of Immunology and Regenerative Medicine — Jan 2, 2017 9:11:20 AM

Alexandra is speaking at this week's UI Cancer Center Breast Cancer Seminar — Dec 15, 2016 1:22:57 PM

The Naba Lab is featured in the fall 2016 newsletter of the International Society for Matrix Biology! — Nov 18, 2016 2:17:32 PM

Alexandra is chairing the Tumor Microenvironment session at the upcoming ASMB meeting — Nov 11, 2016 10:29:08 PM

MatrisomeDB 2.0 is now live! — Nov 9, 2016 3:03:57 PM

Alexandra will be speaking at this week's Regenerative Sciences Seminar Series — Nov 8, 2016 12:40:13 AM

Alexandra named associate member of U of IL Cancer Center — Oct 31, 2016 2:19:28 PM

Ready to move in! — Aug 13, 2016 1:00:03 AM